Monday, August 23, 2010

Asking for extra Prayers.......

Hi Everyone ~
Tonight I am asking for any extra prayers you all can spare for my dear sweet Granny. She is going to the hospital in the morning for a catherization & while there she will most likely be having open heart surgury for a valve replacement ~
She is in a lot of pain as she has suffered w/ severe RA ( arthritis ) for years & it has gotten progressively worse. She has many foot surgeries, knee replacements, etc. & w/ this upcoming surgury she is off many of her meds & is very down & in pain so we pray she will recover quickly & the rehab afterwards will be managable for her. She is not looking forward to staying in a faciility for a few weeks, but it is what is best as they can care best for her :)
So if you have a an extra minute please say a special prayer for my Granny "Anne " as she has will have many angels looking over her..........
Blessing ~

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