I receive these Positive Thoughts daily & some days I read them other days I just delete, but here is todays!! Sometimes they really hit home......
Believe in yourself at all times and in all aspects of your life.
Handmade Primitives by Megan @ Stitchinthedayaway
~*~ Stitchinthedayaway ~*
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Let the makeover begin......
Wow, I have been gone for way too long!!! Not too much has been going on just taking some time to enjoy life a little ~ I haven't been stitching too much either, think I got a little "burner out" on it, so for now I am enjoying fully being a "housewife" ~heehee
Last March our area got hit w/ some tornados & a ton of large hail......thankfully my town didn't have to deal w/ the tornado, but we did get the bad storms & w/ that had a lot of damage to the house.....well a year later the work has begun to fix it ~
We decided to wait so we could get a trusted local crew, there were sooooo many crews slapping new roofs on houses as fast as they got the insurance money, now they are out of here w/ no way of contacting them!!!
So on Monday our crew showed up & starting ripping of the siding & awning along w/ the roof.....it sure is loud in here & Kyser ( my weimeranier ) doesn't like it,,,he is quite the worrier anyways :)) Poor thing ~
As for the weather, it could not be nicer....for March in western PA, this is better than summer as far as I am concerned.....70's for the next week at least!! Just perfect......
I hope you all enjoy the day & I hopefully I can make a habit of blogging & stopping by all of yours!!
Last March our area got hit w/ some tornados & a ton of large hail......thankfully my town didn't have to deal w/ the tornado, but we did get the bad storms & w/ that had a lot of damage to the house.....well a year later the work has begun to fix it ~
We decided to wait so we could get a trusted local crew, there were sooooo many crews slapping new roofs on houses as fast as they got the insurance money, now they are out of here w/ no way of contacting them!!!
So on Monday our crew showed up & starting ripping of the siding & awning along w/ the roof.....it sure is loud in here & Kyser ( my weimeranier ) doesn't like it,,,he is quite the worrier anyways :)) Poor thing ~
As for the weather, it could not be nicer....for March in western PA, this is better than summer as far as I am concerned.....70's for the next week at least!! Just perfect......
I hope you all enjoy the day & I hopefully I can make a habit of blogging & stopping by all of yours!!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Heading on a " Girls Getaway "........

It's going to be a HOT one, it's been int he 90's ( or close enough ) for most of July I swear so being in the water is where I belong!! heehee ~
Have a great weekend everyone ~~
Blessing to you all ~*~
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Starfish Poem
Starfish Poem: "STARFISH POEM
One day an old man was walking down the beach just before dawn. In the distance he saw a young man picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. As the old man approached the young man, he asked, 'Why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time?' The young man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. The old man exclaimed, 'But there must be thousands of starfish. How can your efforts make any difference?' The young man looked down at the starfish in his hand and as he threw it to safety in the sea, he said,' It makes a difference to this one!'
One day an old man was walking down the beach just before dawn. In the distance he saw a young man picking up stranded starfish and throwing them back into the sea. As the old man approached the young man, he asked, 'Why do you spend so much energy doing what seems to be a waste of time?' The young man explained that the stranded starfish would die if left in the morning sun. The old man exclaimed, 'But there must be thousands of starfish. How can your efforts make any difference?' The young man looked down at the starfish in his hand and as he threw it to safety in the sea, he said,' It makes a difference to this one!'
At times in our lives, we are all the old man, the young man, or the starfish. Sometimes, as the old man, we don't see the purpose to actions. Sometimes, as the young man, we persevere and make a difference. And sometimes, we are the starfish who just need a little help."
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Rainbows over the Ocean
We just got back from a week @ the beach in OBX , NC ( we stayed in Kitty Hawk in an ocean front home ) , just perfect!!!! I wish I could stay all summer!!!! We always go down over the 4th & this year I got to see my first rainbow over the ocean!! I was soooo excited :)))
The pictures don't show how pretty it was in person, it stayed for close to 20 minutes & kept getting brighter, actually half a double rainbow !! There were dolphins everyday, but the water was freezing!
Here are just a couple of my pics from our vacation...........def. had to make a little wish on that one!!!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
My Swap Goodies & a visit to the ER
What a week it has been ~~~ I will be happy when this one is OVER :) It started on monday when Jason was outside after work around 4:00 , we had a couple guys over looking @ our roof & while he was outside he got bit by some sort of bee in the back of his neck/head ~ He said it felt like a rock being throw at the back of his head ~ Almost instantly, he started getting a horrible rash all over his body & a reaction like never before. Of course, we still have these people on the roof.....finally they leave...I am panicing!! He took some benedril & thought it would be okay, after seeing he get worse & the chills started he was starting to nearly black out, getting nausious, very scary!! We hurried to the Urgent Care,,,,they listened to his symptoms & took his vitals & ordered him to the ER by ambulance!! What??? They said his blood pressure was very low & they were afraid something may happen while I drove him ( even though it was only 20-25 min away ) & his organs may crash!!! I suddenly began to panic all over again & all I could do was want my parents w/ me! So I went in the other room & called them & asked if they would meet us there! He was treated onthe way & slowly began to improve & stayed @ the hospital for another 6 or 7 hrs. He is now on a couple meds for a few days & we have a Epi pen to carry w/ us in case it happens again as they said next time it could be even worse!!! That is super scary to hear as we are only in our 30's ~ Guess the next step will be is to see an allergist & hope they can offer some help!! I just thank GOD that he is okay now as I now know we should have went right away ~~
Onto some much brighter news :))) I finally got around to getting some pictures of my goodies I received from OLM ( Old Lady Morgan ) http://primitivebyoldladymorgan.blogspot.com/ ~*~ I recently took part in a fun Summer Time Swap hosted By Misi @ 1890 Gable House Musings & OLM was my secret partner :) She was VERY generous & I love everything!! It was like Christmas morning ~ Everything was wrapped so nice & labeled, I wish I would of thought to take a pic first, but I just dug right in !!! I have found a home for all of my treasures & even have plans for my Strawberry Daquiri mix she sent me :) heehee !! Love it ~~
Thanks again ~ It was so much fun !!
Have a great day everyone....
Monday, June 13, 2011
Fun giveaway to sign up for :)
I was just checking out my blog roll to see what I missed over the weekend & saw that over at Firecracker Kid Primitives they are having a great giveaway coming up on I believe June 18 ~ She makes really nice wood products! So just wanted to let you all know in case you wanted a chance to enter :) Check out my sidebar for the link button....( hopefully it works!!! I am not always the best at links :(
More later......got a couple projects I am trying today.....wish me luck!!!
More later......got a couple projects I am trying today.....wish me luck!!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Another hot one.....yuck!
Well...summer is here I am about ready for Fall :) Today is supposed to go up into the 90's again so I will be spendin the day inside & tomorrow I will be headin over to my parents for a day in the pool :) If I am not in water...I hate the hot weather :)
I took part in a fun summer time swap hosted by Misi at 1840 Gable House Goods & received my package from my partner OLM ( Old Lady Morgan ) the other day!! What a treat ~ I love doing swaps....always so much fun to meet new people & trade some goodies!!
I will post pics of what she sent me hopefully tomorrow......she outdid herself :)
We spent the past couple weekends up in the Alleghany Mtns. of PA where my family has had a hunting camp for about 33yrs. now ~ Nice & relaxing, lots of farms & country up there so that means some good yard sales!! Though not as many as we hoped :)
On Memorial day, Jason & I headed do MD to a big auction we used to go to when we lived there, it was sooooo hot ( about 95*) , but we had fun & got some deals so it was worth the sweat !!
Off to grab a little lunch & see what I can get into......
Till next time....
I took part in a fun summer time swap hosted by Misi at 1840 Gable House Goods & received my package from my partner OLM ( Old Lady Morgan ) the other day!! What a treat ~ I love doing swaps....always so much fun to meet new people & trade some goodies!!
I will post pics of what she sent me hopefully tomorrow......she outdid herself :)
We spent the past couple weekends up in the Alleghany Mtns. of PA where my family has had a hunting camp for about 33yrs. now ~ Nice & relaxing, lots of farms & country up there so that means some good yard sales!! Though not as many as we hoped :)
On Memorial day, Jason & I headed do MD to a big auction we used to go to when we lived there, it was sooooo hot ( about 95*) , but we had fun & got some deals so it was worth the sweat !!
Off to grab a little lunch & see what I can get into......
Till next time....
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